Sunday, 20 May 2007

It's a Wrap!

With only two and a half hours to go we are proud to say that we will be submitting a fabulous movie! I'm still tired, dyslexic and mentally challenged but not too done in to write a few thank yous...

Food and Drink
Thanks so much to Beatrice Ezpleleta and my hubby Phillip Ratapu for providing us with gorgeous catered meals! Thanks also to Ian Smail who provided the sumptuous wine for our wrap party. Thanks to Glenda Gibb who came in early this morning after a long hard day goforing and art directing yesterday to cook a nutritious breakfast for Ruth and Andre who've been furiously editing since last night.

The Crew
I just have to re-acknowledge the crew (see bios written by Lana in previous post)...Melody, Ingrid, Ian, Phillip, Andrew, Glenda and Marg.

Special thanks to our musical director Oscar Casley and his musical helpers Donald and Yesara (I have probably spelled her name wrong but will correct it when I have more brain power).

Hope to see many of you at the Tairawhiti Polytechnic tonight for the screening of The Regular Guy as well as a special screening of from the team G(sus)...Our boys Callum and Nathaniel are in that group.

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